
Alessandra Pasetti Actyum
Alessandra Pasetti Actyum

Product Name: Actyum
Client: Rudy Project
Year: 2008
Category: Sport
Material: Different plastics and PS and aluminum.

In this helmet the effort was to interpret in an aesthetical way the structural details of the anchor strap. Instead of hiding it we devided to give more importance, in volume and color.

A structural aluminum sheet underline the wide vent in the front, while in the rear a cardesign element has been added, to work as an aerodynamic flap.

Developed together with the R&D Department

β€œThe most important part of design is finding all the issues to be resolved. The rest are details.”

Soumeet Lanka

Alessandra Pasetti Actyum
Alessandra Pasetti Actyum
Alessandra Pasetti Actyum
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